Our Best Practices
Institutional Best Practices as follows: Best Practice: I
- Title of the Practice: Scientific survey of Purandar region.
- Objectives of the Practice:
- Scientific survey of Ketkawale, Jawalrjun, Pokhar and Vanpuri of taluka Purandar. Survey of this region in all aspects like water conservation, water quality assessment, flora and fauna biodiversity. Conservation of local Biodiversity of plants and its sustainable use. The study will help to understand Ethnopharmacological importance of wild medicinal plants and their uses. Studies of water bodies and soil characteristics of Ketkawale, Jawalrjun, Pokhar and Vanpuri of taluka Purandar will help in future in ecological conservation and management. A step forward for contribution to green earth! This study mentioned stronger points of their villages as well as weaker too so that they can improve in near future. Soil examination reports will be helpful to understand soil quality and what kind of crops they can take and how can they improve productivity of the crop.
- The Context: This region has been neglected by many taxonomist, microbiologist and other scientist. Because of upcoming industries encroachment diversity may get change so we are carrying out detail scientific survey on all aspects from our various departments like Botany, Microbiology, Chemistry, Zoology and geography. Medicinal plants are of great value in the treatment and cure of diseases. Over the years, scientific research has expanded our knowledge of medicinal plants and new drugs. In villages as compare to urban areas still depend on plants for simple remedies to cure wound, cold etc. by plants present nearby still there is lack of studies of some villages of Purandar. This study will help to understand the future needs of plants.
- The Practice: The surveys included analysis of Soil, drinking water analysis, GPS Survey, flora and fauna biodiversity of Ketkawale, Jawalrjun, Pokhar and Vanpuri of taluka Purandar, we are also focusing on medicinal plant biodiversity, conservation of medicinal plants of that region. Diversity survey of microbes, fungi, plants, insects, birds of these places helps in data upgradation. W are also focusing on Conservation of Water, Water Management and plantation of trees are the practices carried out during last five year. Some of the highlights of the study, an extensive survey has been done first time from the Jawalarjun Village for studying fungal diversity. We have also surveyed all plants species available at Javalarjun in October month, out of that we have selected only 37 herbalist and medicinal plants for our ethnopharmacological survey. Climbers were also found naturally growing on wasteland like Ipomoea cairica (Convolvulaceae). It is a weed of waste are as, it may be used as carminative agent and lessens inflammation, and is useful in fever, jaundice, biliousness, bronchitis, liver complaints, etc. Recent reports support that it can also be used for treatment of Japanese encephalitis because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Certain plants are highly toxic for human consumption especially for children for example Senna occidentalis, Jatropha gossypiifolia and Cryptostegia fatal for all living organisms. Information's of these plants is given in the articles published in the form of survey books with their GPS locations, active compounds and medicinal importance. At Ketkawale, 17 lichens and fungi has been found in the nearby localities. Viz. Vararia, Schizophyllum, Dasturella, Irpex, Oxyporus, Stillbella, Peniophora laurentii, Rhizocarpon, Caloplaca flavorubescens, Xanthoria, Parmelia, Parmotrema, Heterodermia, Bacidia, Buellia, Lecanora, From fungi Vararia, Stillbella and Dasturella which do not found commonly in this locality. The number of saxicolous lichens are found mire on slanting rocks as well as boulders. Rare lichens like Xanthoria are also in the same locality. One rare species of Buellia lichen is also found common on these rocks. In Ketkawale survey, 40 tree species belong to 20 Families out of which 39 species are from dicotyledonae, one species from monocotyledonae. Among 20 families, Fabaceae was dominant with 11 numbers of species followed by Moraceae. Moderate diversity of tree species was observed at Ketkawale not only that but important medicinal plants/trees were naturally growing in this region. Medicinally important plants like Gmelina arborea Roxb., Bombax ceiba L. Erythrina stricta var. suberosa (Roxb.). Millettia pinnata, Dolichandrone falcata Seem. and Cordia dichotoma Forst. were observed during this study. Around Thirty medicinal plant species were survey from Pokhar which have medicinal properties and are used in traditional medication for the treatment of various diseases. Here our survey was aimed to provide all pharmacological importance of these plants.
- Evidence of Success: We have published four books on scientific survey of Ketkawale, Jawalrjun, Pokhar and Vanpuri. These books were also presented to Gramsarpanch, Gramsevak, Talathi and BLO.
- Problems Encountered and Resources Required: Problems Encountered: People doesn't know the potentiality of these resources and these are being neglected and also local community refuse to give information about plants that they are using for ethnopharmacological purpose. That information might give us addition in plant resources of particular interest for example if it is having specific pharmacological property. Majority of time some important endemic rare plants are being neglected or cut down by local community. Resources Required: For encouragement of people to understand the potentiality of their area and biodiversity awareness program organized in villages. Interaction should be taken place with old people who have the knowledge of medicine. If we can create facility for germplasm conservation and training programs on Germplasm conservation then we can enrich biodiversity of that village. For this movable germplasm conservation laboratory should be develop which required infrastructure and financial assistant for the same.
- Notes (Optional): Especially like to mentioned that Pokhar village where survey committee also participated in continuous contour trenches (CCT) development. The program organized by Pani foundation, this village achieved first rank at "Satymev Jayate Water Cup Competition, 2018". This is appreciation of work in the field of Water Management, Conservation and Sustainability.
Institutional Best Practices as follows: Best Practice: II
- Title of the Practice: Trekking camp and Cleanliness Workshop at Fort Vassota and Kas Plateau
- Objectives of the Practice: To develop awareness of cleaning of historical and natural places like Vasota fort, Rajgad fort, Purandar fort, Vajrai damp and Kas plateau
- The Context: District Level trekking and Hygiene Workshop at Fort Vassota, Rajgad fort, Purandar fort, Vajrai damp and Kas Plateau, organized year by joint efforts of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune and Pune District Board of Education, Waghire and National Service Scheme, National Students Army and Students at College, Saswad (Tal. Purandar). The joint ventures include Mountaineering and cleanliness of Vasota Fort, Rajgad fort, Purandar fort, and Kas Plateau in Satara district. Trekking and cleanliness programs were organized during every year. College students recognized importance of historical buildings and forts. This camp was organized to create awareness among them about the cleanliness of these historic structures. In thes camps Tons of garbage was collected and disposal was done and made the efforts clean such localities where people comes from different localities and make that place dirty by throwing garbage.
- The Practice: Under this practice various institutes and their students like Sahyadri Trekkers group, Waghire College, Saswad, Annasaheb Magar College, Hadapsar, Anantrao Thopte College, Bhor, Shardabai Pawar College, Baramati around 200 students were participated. They had cleaned the Vasota fort and Kas Plateau. Also created awareness about importance of cleanliness of historical places.
- Evidence of Success: Under this practice various institutes and their students like Sahyadri Trekkers group, Waghire College, Saswad, Annasaheb Majgar College, Hadapsar, Anantrao Thopte College, Bhor, Shardabai Pawar College, Baramati around 200 students were participated. They had cleaned the Vasota fort and Kas Plateau. Also created awareness about importance of cleanliness of historical places. As we know we get appreciation of good work you see some changes in policy similarly Maharashtra launched cleanliness drive is certificate of our initiative. Government also realized the problems of cleanliness at historical and forts of Maharashtra. The campaign started from Pahnala fort on February 11 and planed to clean and restore 100 forts (Times of India news on 11 Feb 2017).
- Problems Encountered and Resources Required: Organizing such event is big challenge. Around all cadets of NCC participating in the trek as outdoor activity with mission of Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan. As such so far, no problem is encountered and whatever small little problems were taken care by team itself. To carry notice boards all the way especially at the top of fort is challenge. Resources Required: Notice boards which are self-explanatory about importance of cleaning and keeping that place clean.
- Notes (Optional): During these trek and cleaning campaign cadets not only cleaned the campus but also contributed to carry stuffs like sand bags at Vichitragad, Cadets made human chain to carry and pass on sand bags for construction work at top of the fort. Which is one of the challenging jobs during construction of damaged part of fort or historical places during restoration work. Which can be achieved by the help of students. At Vateshwar temple we have planted more than hundred trees in surrounding area.