Pune District Education Association's
"NAAC Grade: B++ CGPA: 2.83 (Valid upto Aug 2024)" Estd. 1972 | Affiliation ID PU/PN/ASC/033-1972 | AISHE CODE: C-41716 | Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University |

Microbiology Department Research


Department Research

Participation in conferences, symposia, seminars and workshops: Ms. Vishakha N. Ganvir

Sr. No.

Name of Conference/Seminar etc


Attended/ paper if presented







Webinar on “Development of biologics, Gene therapy and Scientific writing” on 1st Jun 2020 by Guru Nanak Institute for Research and development , Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Matunga, mumbai




Webinar on “ Current Perspectives of Microbial Diseases 2020” on 5th Jun 2020 by IQAC, Yashwantrao Chavan college of Science, Karad




Webinar on “National Digital Library of India User Awareness” on 2nd Jun 2020 by the National Digital Library of India in collaberation with Sri Indu College of Engineering and Technology




Webinar on “Importance of Concentration in E-Learning”on 30th May 2020 by Bhandup Educational society’s V.K.Krishna Menon College- east, Mumbai in collabeartion with Satyam Institute of tax Accountant




Three Days Webinar on “Digital Era and Pandemic Situation”on 26th to 28th May 2020 by PDEA’s Waghire College, Saswad




Webinar on “Use of Modern Analytical Instrument in Biological Sciences” on 22nd may 2020 by Guru nanak Khalsa College, Matunga, mumbai




Three days webinar on “Life Sciences 2020-Education and Innovation for Future by A.M.College, Hadapsar on 5th, 6th and 7th May 2020




Emerging Trends in Life sciences at Waghire College, Saswad on 7th To 8th Feb.2020



Presented Poster






Empowering Society with Microbial Technology at T. C. College, Baramati on 7th To 9th Feb.2019





Application of Nanotechnology in Science at Waghire College, Saswad, on 11th and 12th January 2019





Details of Presentation of Papers in National and International conferences:

Sr.  No.


Conference / Seminar







7th To 8th Feb.2020

National conference

Emerging Trends in Life sciences at Waghire College, Saswad , Poster on “Biodegradation of imidacloprid degrading microorganisms from pesticide contaminated soil”






7th To 9th Feb.2019

International conference

Empowering Society with Microbial Technology at T. C. College, Baramati Poster on “Isolation and characterization of Imidacloprid degrading microorganisms from soil”


 11th and 12th January 2019

National conference

Application of Nanotechnology in Science at Waghire College, Saswad, Poster on “Isolation and Identification of Imidacloprid degrading microorganisms from soil”


Department Publication

Research Publications: 


1. Mrs. Sonawane Hemlata Vasant

1. Evaluation of Anti -angiogenic Potential of Mentha arvensis Leaf Extracts Using Chorioallantoic Membrane Assay published in World Journal of Pharmaceutical Reasearch, Vol.5, Issue 2, 677-689 with ISSN 2277-7105.

2. Laboratory Evaluation of Fipronil on Biological parameters, Gut Microflora and Physiology of Euridrilus eugeniae published in International Journal of Scientific and Reasearch Publication, Vol. 4, Issue 3, March 2014.

3. Liquid formulation of Acetobacter diazotrophicus L1 and Herbaspirillum seropedicae J24 and their field trials on wheat Internationational Journal of Enviornmental Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2012.


2. Dr. Patil Neeta Bhagwan

1. Communication of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria in Agricultural Sustainability: An overview, published in Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences, Volume 12, Year 2023, Pages 42-49.

2. Screening, characterization and identification of soil isolates for degradation of organophosphorus group of pesticides (Dimethoate and Parathion),  International Journal of Current Microbiology and AppliedSciencesVolume 4, Year 2015, Pages 240-244.

3. Isolation, molecular characterization and plant growth promoting traits of NeoasaiaChiangmaiensis (KD) from banana, International Journal of EnvironmentalSciencesVolume 5, Year 2014, Pages 309-319.

4. Isolation and characterization of diazotrophic endophyte, Asaiabogorensis from Mangifera indicaInternational Journal of Environmental SciencesVolume 3, Year 2013, Pages 2151-2160.

5. Pomegranate borne fungicidal lactic acid bacteria and their biodiversity Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, Volume 82, Year 2012, Pages 413-419.

6. BVPaP-3, a T7-Like Lytic Phage of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Its Isolation and Characterisation, Current MicrobiologyVolume 64, Year 2012, Pages 305-311.

7. Liquid formulations of Acetobacter diazotrophicus L1 and Herbaspirillumseropedicae J24 and their field trials on wheatInternational Journal of Environmental SciencesVolume 3, Year 2012, Pages 1116.

8. Optimization of indole 3-acetic acid (IAA) production by Acetobacter diazotrophicusLl isolated from sugarcaneInternational Journal of Environmental SciencesVolume 2, Year 2011, Pages 295-302.

9. Study on plant growth hormones from endophytic Herbaspirillum bacteriaConference: 58 th Annual DSTA Convention At: Pune, India, Volume,Year 2010, Pages 102-108.


3. Dr. Ganvir Vishakha Nandlal 

1. Screening and Isolation of Imidacloprid Degrading Microorganisms from Pesticide Contaminated soils from Saswad Region in Pune, Maharashtra, Spl Issue [1] January 2023 : 500-507 published in Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences with ISSN No. 2277-1808.

2. In- vitro study of Plant Growth Promoting Traits (PGP) of Cytobacillus firmus strain VG5, Spl Issue [1] January 2023 : 435-442, published in Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences with ISSN No. 2277-1808.

3. Biodegradation of imidacloprid in liquid media by an isolated soil bacteria Cytobacillus firmus strain VG5 29 (1) : 2023pp(438-444), published in Ecology, environment and Conservation (EM International) with ISSN No. 0971–765X.

4. Review Article:  Bioremediation of Agricultural Soil Contaminated  With  Pesticides, Jan- Mar 2018, 7(1) pg 68-80, punlished in Ajanta with ISSN No. 2277-5730.

5. Screening and isolation of imidacloprid degrading microorganisms from pesticide contaminated soils, 8(9); 2019 pp.(1-6), published in Review of Research (International online multidisci-plinary journal) with ISSN No. 2249-894X.

6. Isolation & Characterization of Imidacloprid Degrading Microorganisms from Pesticides Contaminated Soil 8(1); (108-112) 2018, published inInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences ISSN: 2321-3272 (Print), ISSN: 2230-7605 (Online).

7. Preliminary checklist of Avifaunal diversity in the Prati Balaji village Ketkawale 6(1); (148-155) Nov. 2017, published in Royal (An International online multidisciplinary journal) (Ajanta Prakashan) with ISSN No. 2278-8158.

8. Isolation and characterization of Glyophosate degrading microorganisms from contaminated soils 6(1); (173-180) Nov. 2017, published in Royal (An International online multidisciplinary journal) (Ajanta Prakashan) with ISSN No. 2278-8158.

9. Efficacy of Ficus religiosa Linn.bark against fungi 6(1); (181-187) Nov. 2017, published in Royal (An International online multidisciplinary journal) (Ajanta Prakashan) with ISSN No. 2278-8158.

10. Effect of extracts of Clerodendrum infortunatum 6(1); (188-193) Nov. 2017, published in Royal (An International online multidisciplinary journal) (Ajanta Prakashan) with ISSN No. 2278-8158.

11. Antimicrobial activity of the extracts of Clerodendrum infortunatum published in proceeding of national conference on Innovative Research in Life Sciences (Tech-Max Publications, Pune) held on Feb. 2016, pp (45-47) with ISSN No. 978-93-5224-212-2. 

12. Effect of Cytokinin on the development of Kalanchoe blossofeldiana plant in Proceeding of national conference : Advances in Applied, Physical, Chemical and Life Sciences Success publications 978-93-5158-585-5 held on Feb.2016,  pp (32-37).

13. Effect of different extracts of stem bark of Ficus religiosa Linn. on Aspergillus fumigates published in proceeding of national conference Souvenir-Interdisciplinary Approach in scientific research (IASR-2016) (Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s S.M.Joshi College, Pune) 978-81-9072-87-5-4 held on Jan 2016, pp (90-95).

14. Effluence of antibiotic Gentamicin against Acenetobacter published in proceeding of national conference Souvenir- Interdisciplin-ary approach in scientific research (Rayat shikshan Sanstha’s S.M.Joshi College, Pune) 978-81-907287-5-4 held on Jan. 2016; pp (28-34).

15. Micropropogation of Cordyline fructicosa (Kiwi) (L.) A. Chev. Vol V, issue-7(II); pp (12-15), August 2015, published in International Journal of Advances in Management technology and Engineering Sciences with ISSN No. 2249-7455.

16. Effect of Ethanol, Methanol, aqueous and Chloroform extracts of Ficus religiosa Linn. Bark on Asp. Fumigatus and Candida albicans Sp issue 4; pp (75-81), April 2012, published in Journal of Science information with ISSN No. 2229-5836.


4. Mrs. Patil Yogita M. 

1. Improving the Gut Microbiota with Probiotics and Faecal Microbiota Transplantation Patil et al. published in | J Pure Appl Microbiol | 15(3):1111-1124| September 2021 Article 6934 | https://doi.org/10.22207/JPAM.15.3.53 Print ISSN: 0973-7510; E-ISSN: 2581-690X.


5. Mrs. Joshi Manasi Mahesh

1. Antimicrobial activity of plant extracts against pathogenic microorganisms published in International journal of all research education and scientific methods, vol 12, issue 7, July-2024 with ISSN No. 2455-6211.