Zoology Department Research

Zoology Research

Department of Zoology
Department Research
Department Publication
Dr. B. U. Mane
I) Research Papers published in National /International Journals:
1. B. U. Mane & V. S. Kamble “Impact of Sub Lethal Treatment of Endosulfan (35% Ec) On Glycogen Level Fresh Water Bivalve Mollusc Lamellidens corrianus During Monsoon Season”. J.of Association of Zoologist.India.Vol.6 (1) March 2013: 50-54 ISSN 2229-6549
2. V. S.Kamble , B.U.Mane and Rao K. R. “Impact of Organophosphsphorus Pesticide on Protein Content in Fresh Water Bivalve Mollusc, Lamellidens corrianus During Monsoon Season”. J.of Association of Zoologist.India, Vol.6 (1) March 2013 :86-90 ISSN 2229-6549
3. B.U.Mane, V.B.Gaikwad, M.G.Babare&A.D.Babare.”Beetle diversity from Makani town”, Osmanabad District.(M.S.)An International J.of Ecology and Fisheries. Vol.6(1) June 2013:39-42 ISSN 0974-6323
4. B.U.Mane, V.B.Gaikwad, M.G.Babare & A.D.Babare.”Water quality aquatic insects from Bennetura reservoir.”Osmanabad District. (M.S.) An International J.of Ecology and Fisheries. Vol.6(1) June 2013:57-60 ISSN 0974-6323
5. B.U.Mane, V.S. Kamble and K.R. Rao “Effect of Acute Toxicity of Organochlorine Pesticide on Respiration in Lamellibranch Mollusc Lamellidens corrianus During Winter Season”. Online International Journal, American-Eurasian Journal of Toxicological Sciences 4 (3): 151-153, 2012 ISSN 2079-2050. http://www.idosi.org/aejts/4(3)12/6.pdf
6. V.S. Kamble, B.U.Mane and K.R. Rao “Study of Acute Toxicity of Thiodan during Monsoon in Freshwater Bivalve Mollusc Lamellidens corrianus”. Online International Journal, American-Eurasian Journal of Toxicological Sciences 4 (3): 147-150, 2012 ISSN 2079-2050. http://www.idosi.org/aejts/4(3)12/5.pdf
7 B.U.Mane & M.G.Babare “Occurrence of cypriniformes fishes from Gunjawani reservoir”, Dist- Pune .International Registered & Recognized J of Interlink Research Analysis Vol.VI issue: I: 100-103 Jan.2010 to June 2010 ISSN 0976-0377
8 B.U.Mane & M.G.Babare “Biodiversity of snakes during man soon in Omerga Taluka”, Maharashtra. International Registered & Recognized J of Interlink Research Analysis Vol.V issue I: 58-61 Jan.2010 to June 2010 ISSN 0976-0377
9 B.U.Mane, & M.G.Babare “Studies on Physico-chemical Profile and occurrence of zooplanktons in Gunjwani Reservoir”, Dist-Pune. International Registered & Recognized J of Universal Research Analysis Vol.V issue I:68-71 Mar.2010 to Aug. 2010 ISSN 2229-4406
10 B.U.Mane &M.G.Babare “Studies Physico- chemical Limnology of Gunjwani Reservoir”, Dist.Pune. International Registered & Recognized J of Interlink Research Analysis Vol.VI issue II: 81-85 July2010 to Dec 2010 ISSN 0976-0377
11 B.U.Mane &M.G.Babare “Studies on Occurrence of phytoplankton and physic-chemical profile of Ghosalgaon tank” .Dist.Solapur. International Registered & Recognized J of Universal Research Analysis Vol.III issue II: 94-97Mar.2011to Aug. 2011 ISSN 2229-4406.
12 B.U.Mane &M.G.Babare “Studies on piscivorous birds of Ghosalgaon tank” Dist-Sholapur International Registered & Recognized J of Universal Research Analysis Vol.VI issue II: 96-98 Sept.2010 to Feb. 2011 ISSN 2229-4406.
13 B.U.Mane &M.G.Babare “Diversity of insect in Gunjwani Reservoir”Dist-Pune International Registered & Recognized J of Vision Research Riew Vol.II issue II: 72-73, Dec.2011 to May 2012 ISSN 2250-169X
14 B.U.Mane & M.G.Babare”Biodiversity of zooplankton in BorgaonTank”Osmanabad District. International Registered & Recognized J of Hi-Tech Research Analysis Vol.II issue II: 76-79, Feb.2012 to July 2012 ISSN 2231-6671
15 V.L.Kulkurni, B.U.Mane &M.G.Babare,”Study of Rotifer Diversity of Kunsawali Tank”, Osmanabad International Registered & Recognized J of Universal Research Analysis Vol.V issue V: 68-71 Sept.2012 to Feb. 2013 ISSN 2229-4406.
16 V.L.Kulkurni, B.U.Mane &M.G.Babare,”Cypriniformes fish diversity in Terna river Makni” International Registered & Recognized J of Hi-Tech Research Analysis Vol.II issue V: 86-89, Feb.2013to July 2013 ISSN 2231-6671
17. B. U. Mane, B. L.Shinde, etal., (2015), “Physico Chemical Analysis of Selected Borewell Water Samples from Purandar Tehsil District-Pune,” W.C.S. National Journal Of Interdisciplinary Research, 1(1), 138-141. ISSN: 2395-1419
II) Research Papers published in National / International Conference Proceedings:
1. B. U. Mane & Kamble V. S. Effect of chronic treatment of thiodine on protein content in Lamellibranch molluscs lamellidens corrianus, National Conference on “Characterization Techniques for Physical, Chemical and Biological Analysis” 01st - 3rd March 2012 Organized By: P. D. E. A.‟s Waghire College, Saswad, Pune and B. C. U. D., University of Pune, Pune. JSI, Special Issue-4. April 2012 ISSN: 2229-5836
2. Kamble V.S. & B.U. Mane “Histopathological Alterations Due To Sub lethal Treatment Of Organophosphorous Pesticide In Female Gonad Of Fresh Water Lamellibranch Molluscs Lamellidens Corrianus”, National Conference on “Characterization Techniques for Physical, Chemical and Biological Analysis” 01st - 3rd March 2012 Organized By: P. D. E. A.‟s Waghire College, Saswad, Pune and B. C. U. D., University of Pune, Pune. JSI, Special Issue-4. April 2012 ISSN: 2229-5836.
3. S. S. Waghmode & B. U. Mane “Accumulation of Copper in the fish mystus gulio after chronic exposure to the industrial effluent”, National Conference on “Characterization Techniques for Physical, Chemical and Biological Analysis” 01st - 3rd March 2012 Organized By: P. D. E. A.‟s Waghire College, Saswad, Pune and B. C. U. D., University of Pune, Pune. JSI, Special Issue-4. April 2012 ISSN: 2229-5836.
4. V.S Kamble & B. U. Mane “Biodiversity of fresh water mollusks from Drought prone area of solapur District. National Conference on Biodiversity Monitoring and Research Current Practice and Future needs‟‟ Organized By: Fergusson College , Pune on 7-8 Dec.2012 ISBN-978-93-5087-589-6
5. B.U.Mane, Dinesh Birhade & Vinod Gaikwad. “Zooplankton diversity of Ujani reservoir at Madha”, District Sholapur. National Conference on Recent Trends in Bioremediation and Biodiversity conservation. Organized By S. R. M. Mahavidyala, Kudal, Sindhudurg on 1-3 March 2013, JSI, Special Issue-8. Marchl 2013 ISSN: 2229-5836.
6. B.U.Mane, & M.G. Babare, A. D. Babare and H. K. Jadhav (2012), “Studies On Biological Contamination Achler Tank”, Osmanabad Dist. (M.S.) India”. Indo-Bhutan International Seminar Proceedings Advances in Environmental Sciences (AES 2012) 11-12 May, 2012.
7. B.U.Mane, & B.L Shinde (2016) “An evaluationof seasonal variation of physic-chemical parameter of borewell water from purandar Tehsil dist Pune,” National conference Proceedings on Environment &Development organized by Lonawala college on 9th &10th September.
III) Research Papers Presented in International Conference:
1. B. U. Mane, M. G. Babare, A. D. Babare and H. K. Jadhav (2012) , “Studies On Biological Contamination Achler Tank Of Osmanabad Dist – (M.S.) India”. Indo-Bhutan International Seminar Proceedings Advances in Environmental Sciences (AES 2012) 11-12 May, 2012.
2. B. U. Mane, B.L.Shinde ,M. G. Babare, and H. K. Jadhav (2013), “Physico-Chemical Analysis of Water of Veer Dam Dist-Pune,” International conference on„Emerging Horizons in Biochemical Sciences & Nanomaterials (EHBCSN-2013.
3. B. U. Mane, B. L.Shinde (2016), “Assesment of physio-chemical parameters of Garade water reservoir of Purandar, Pune district (Maharashtra) India with respect to seasonal variation,”6th Interational Science congress (ISC-2016) 8th &9th December 2016
Dr.Vinod Sutaone
Papers Published:-
1) Sutaone Vinod, 2011. Deforestation and water pollution impact on mosquito related epidemic diseases in Nanded region. Bioscience Discovery, 2(3): 309-316.
2) Sutaone Vinod, 2011. Emergence of filariasis in Nanded region (MS) India. Science Research Reporter 1(3):126 -131.
3) Sutaone Vinod, 2013. Dissemination of Filaria in Maharashtra and other states of India. Biosci. Disc., 4(1):104-106.
4) Sutaone Vinod, Surve Prakash 2013. Prevalence of Vector Borne Diseases in Nanded (MS) India. J.Aqua.Biol., 1(1):23-25.
5) Sutaone Vinod, 2013. Prevalence of Malaria and Sickle cell anemia in Nanded District (MS) INDIA. Biosci. Disc., 4(2):220-222.
Dr. Bhagyashri S. Madbhavikar:
Papers Published:-
1. “Preliminary checklist of Avifaunal diversity in the Prati- Balaji Village, Ketkavale” in ROYAL Journal, (Journal no. 47037) International Multidisciplinary Half Yearly Research Journal. ISSN-2278-8158; June-November 2017, Vol. VI, Issue –I, Part –II, pp 148-155.
2. “Migratory birds observed in Saswad” in ROYAL Journal, (Journal no. 47037) International Multidisciplinary Half Yearly Research Journal. ISSN-2278-8158; June-November 2017, Vol. VI, Issue –I, Part –II, pp 156-161.
3. “Migratory birds observed in Agricultural fields of Saswad” in Galaxy –Link Journal (Journal no. 47023), International Multidisciplinary Half Yearly Research Journal. ISSN-2319-8508; November 2017 to April-2018, Vol. VI, Issue –I, Part –II, pp 12-17.
4. “Observation of nests and Nesting materials of Black Ibises Psuedibis papillosa in Saswad and Wadki Village Mobile towers” in AJANTA Journal, ( Journal no.40776), International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal. ISSN-2277-5730; July-September 8, Vol. VII, Issue –III, Part –II, pp 26-30.
5. “In-vitro study of Plant Growth Promoting Traits (PGP) of Cyanobacilus firmus strain VG5” in Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences Spl Issue{1} January 2023: 435-442. Online ISSN 2277-1808.