Mandatory Disclosures
Sr. No | Title | Document |
1 | Right to Information Act | Right to Infotmation Act.pdf |
2 | UGC Anti Ragging Public Notice | UGC_Public Notice_Antiragging.pdf |
3 | Human Values and Professional Ethics | HVPE.pdf |
4 | Core Values and Code of Conduct | WCS_Code of conduct_Handbook.pdf |
5 | Statutory Declaration_RTI | RTI Statutory Declaration.pdf |
6 | Anti-Ragging Policy | 1_Antiragging_policy.pdf |
7 | Students Grievance Cell Mechanism | MechanismSGRC.pdf |
8 | Anti- Sexual Harassment Cell (Internal Complaint Comiittee) Policy | ICC_policy.pdf |
9 | Institutional Organogram | Institutional Organogram.pdf |
10 | Examination Manual | Exam_u.pdf |
11 | ICC_handbook | 0_ICCHandbook_State govt.pdf |