Pune District Education Association's
"NAAC Grade: B++ CGPA: 2.83 (Valid upto Aug 2024)" Estd. 1972 | Affiliation ID PU/PN/ASC/033-1972 | AISHE CODE: C-41716 | Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University |

Internal Compliant Committee

Introduction :-

Waghire College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Saswad, Pune is committed to provide an environment of the educational place free of gender and sexual harassment and discrimination and to maintain an awareness of equality and dignity amongst working staff members and students.

The Women Redressal Cell also known as Women Anti-sexual Harassment Cell was established in college during the academic year 2013-2014, under the chairmanship of Principal Dr. R. M. Misal. The committee works as per the norms of ‘The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013’ (SH Act, 2013) declared by the Government of India on 9th December 2013 after the Nirbhaya incident, 2012. The aim of this committee was the prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of teaching and administration woman employees and girl students of the college.

However, based on the aforesaid Act and Saksham report of MHRD, a new regulation was propagated by the UGC on 2nd May 2016 termed University Grants Commission (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulation, 2015, all educational institutes need to set up an Internal Complaints Committee. Hence, the Women Redressal Cell was renamed as an Internal Complaint Committee (ICC).

An Internal Complaint Committee, ICC WCS was established in Waghire College, Saswad in the academic year 2016-2017 under the guidance of Dr. N. L. Ghorpade, Principal of Waghire College, Saswad. The main aim of the ICC is to look into the complaints of sexual harassment occurred within the college campus and also to generate awareness about the issue. The Act has outlined the constitution of the committees, the process to be followed for making a complaint and conducting inquiry into the complaint in a time bound manner.

  • As per the UGC regulation, 2015, Sexual Harassment means:

    1. An unwanted conduct with sexual undertones, persistent conduct which demeans, humiliates or creates a hostile environment is termed as Sexual Harassment and it includes:
      • Sexual harassment includes any unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature;
      • Demand or request for sexual remarks;
      • Physical contact and advances; or
      • Showing pornography.
    2. Any one (or more than one or all) of the following circumstances, if it occurs or is present in relation or connected with any behavior that has explicit or implicit sexual undertones:
      • Implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment as quid pro quo for sexual favors;
      • Implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in the conduct of work;
      • Implied or explicit threat about the present or future status of the person concerned;
      • Creating an intimidating, offensive, or hostile learning environment;
      • Humiliating treatment likely to affect the health, safety, dignity, or physical integrity of the person concerned.
  • 1. Objectives of the Internal Complaints Committee

    • The Internal Complaint Committee is an educational complaint redressal mechanism for the members of faculty, staff, and students of the Waghire College. Its objectives are:
      • To provide a neutral, confidential, and supportive environment for teaching and non-teaching women employees and the students on the campus.
      • To advise complainants of means of resolution as specified by the legislation.
      • To ensure fair and timely resolution of sexual harassment complaints.
      • To promote awareness about sexual harassment amongst students of both genders through educational initiatives that encourage and foster a respectful and safe campus environment.
  • 2. Procedure for filing or reporting a complaint - The Complaint Mechanism Procedure

    • The written complaint will be required from an aggrieved person to the ICC within three months from the date of the incident. If she is unable to make a complaint in writing, the ICC will render all reasonable assistance to her for making the complaint in writing.
    • The IC Chair will send a copy of the complaint to the Defendant within seven working days of receiving the complaint. The Defendant will then file his or her written reply to the Inquiry Committee within ten working days.
    • The IC will organize the hearings, giving a fair hearing to both the Complainant and the Defendant in the presence of witnesses.
    • The Complainant and the Defendant may examine the transcripts of each other’s depositions made available for ten working days. Both parties are allowed two days to respond to the IC Chair with clarifications.
    • The IC will mediate cross-questioning between the Complainant and the Defendant. The inquiry will be completed within ninety working days from the date of receiving the complaint.
    • After concluding the inquiry, the IC Chair shall submit a detailed report (anonymous) to the Chair of the ICC. In case of a guilty verdict, the report shall also recommend the nature of disciplinary action to be taken.
  • 3. Disciplinary Actions and Possible Recommendations against the guilty

    • Any employee, if found guilty by the ICC, shall be punished as per the service rules.
    • If any student is found guilty, the student will be punished based on the severity of the offence. The student’s privileges such as access to the library, scholarships, allowances, auditoria, halls of residence, transportation, and identity card will be withheld. Also, the student will be suspended or restricted from entering the college campus for a specific period. The student may also be expelled or denied readmission to the college.
    • Apart from disciplinary action that the ICC recommends to be taken against the guilty employee or student, the law also provides restitution to the aggrieved person for emotional trauma and losses incurred in the form of monetary compensation.
    • The ICC will ensure that the provisions of the committee will not be misused. The ICC will specify that false or malicious complaints will face punishment and penalties.
S. N. Name of the Faculty Designation Role
1 Dr. Pandit Shelake Principal Chairman
2 Dr. Nita Patil Associate Professor Presiding Officer
3 Dr. Vidya Patankar Assistant Professor Member
4 Dr. Nanasaheb Pawar Professor Member
5 Dr. Anil Zol Assistant Professor Member
6 Prof. Manisha Jagdale Assistant Professor Member
7 Prof. Varsharani Jagtap Assistant Professor Member
8 Prof. Manasi Joshi Assistant Professor Member
9 Smt. Smita Dhawale Jr. Clerk (College Office) Member
10 Ms. Siddhi Tanawade Student Student Representative
11 Ms. Kavita Jagtap NGO External Member
12 Ms. Archana Patil PSI External Member
  • The boards mentioning the Members' names, email IDs, and mobile numbers and what sexual harassment means are displayed in the corridor of the College office entrance porch for public awareness and also for ensuring the smooth conduct of ICC.

  • Activities of ICC in College

    • For ensuring a safe and sexual harassment-free environment in the college, every year the ICC organizes an awareness programme for the college students.
    • Through this programme, students are made aware of the UGC regulation, 2015, regarding sexual harassment and what sexual harassment actually means.
    • They are instructed to report any misconduct held against them on the college campus to the ICC verbally and in writing too.
    • However, until this date, no cases of sexual harassment have taken place in the college.
  • Previous Presiding Officers of College ICC

    • Dr. Ujwala V. Khisti (HOD, Microbiology department) - 2013-2016
    • Prof. Shaila B. Dhotre (Associate Professor, Chemistry department) - 2017-2020
    • Dr. Nita B. Patil (Associate Professor, Microbiology department) - 2020 till date
  • Complaint Form ICC (WCS)